Asylum Round 2, Day 11 - Andy


Well it finally arrived , 10 days of hard training all geared towards this workout, "team Asylum are you ready"

Now i've read before on a number of posts people giving advise about gameday they usually say , " pace yourself for the mile run " (which is the start of gameday)

Now i not only disagree with this statement , i disagree with the whole "pace yourself" mentality when it comes to HIIT (high intensity interval training).

The whole point is to go flat out and try to reach the red line zone

Here is a brief summary

The Aerobic Zone - 70% to 80%

Training in this zone will develop your cardiovascular system The body's ability to transport oxygen to, and carbon dioxide away from, the working muscles can be developed and improved. As you become fitter and stronger from training in this zone it will be possible to recover more quickly , so getting the benefits of more fat burning and improved aerobic capacity.

The Anaerobic Zone - 80% to 90%

Training in this zone will develop your lactic acid system In this zone, your individual anaerobic threshold (AT) is found - sometimes referred to the point of deflection (POD). During these heart rates, the amount of fat being utilised as the main source of energy is greatly reduced and glycogen stored in the muscle is predominantly used. One of the by-products of burning this glycogen is lactic acid. There is a point at which the body can no longer remove the lactic acid from the working muscles quickly enough. This is your anaerobic threshold (AT). Through the correct training, it is possible to delay the AT by being able to increase your ability to deal with the lactic acid for a longer period of time or by pushing the AT higher.

The Red Line Zone 90% to 100%

Training in this zone will only be possible for short periods. It effectively trains your fast twitch muscle fibres and helps to develop speed. This zone is where you push past your mental block, and only the very fit are able to train effectively within this zone

Hope this helps people to understand , this is what is required to get the best out of the programs.

Ok in Gameday the first 30 minutes is quite easy anyway (and i'm wearing the vest)

Also you get lots of water breaks in this, which is a rarity in Asylum .

It's at this 30 minute mark though were it all goes brutal, yes you still get the water break in between each exercise .

But it's just rough, i'll be honest, there were a few F words dropped this morning.

At the end i felt a real sense of accomplishment , and it was smiles all round.

But then i had a sickly feeling in my stomach, as i realised, the next time i do this workout, it will be accompanied by Overtime

For those that don't know, overtime is another workout that lasts 13 minutes, and it's brutal

Oh dear god, what have i let myself in for ???

Cheers Andy


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Team Wolf Pack are three friends, brought together through a passion for improving their own health and fitness, and motivating others to do the same. We are knowledgeable in nutrition, working out and in how to motivate. Our aim is to help others to achieve their goals, whether they be to lose weight, gain muscle, improve fitness or simply maintain optimum health. Please feel free to join our Facebook support group: Team Wolf Pack ( Here, we will answer any questions you may have about Beachbody programs, working out, nutrition and the fitness industry in general. You will also find a large group of like-minded people, who support and motivate each other. We achieve greater results as part of a committed team. Team Wolf Pack is made up of real people with real results. We have a great team and have tested all Beachbody programs. We can give a solid review on every product, as well help you to get the best results from them. Team Wolf Pack is led by: Pam McVey, Jason Bennett and Andy Powers


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