Pam's Arms Workout


I really enjoyed that. 

Things I learned along the way:
  • ·         Get the full movement without locking the joint
  • ·         Sometimes I can go as heavy as I can manage while keeping good form, but am not completely spent by the last rep of the last set, so just do more until I get there.
  • ·         Warm-up sets of a light weight but much more reps, helps me feel the warm-up more. 
  • ·         Don’t forget to take my BCAAs before the workout.  Woops!
  • ·         Always use a mirror, but as it only gives a 2D view, also check directly for good form. 
  • ·         My weight for kickbacks is much lower than for any other move.
  • ·         Do all of the moves very slowly and with a little bit of a static hold to get maximum benefit
  • ·         I can lift more and keep better form by using only one arm at a time.

Here is the workout breakdown:

Dumbell curls           3  sets of 6 reps        7.5kg

Hammer curls           3 sets of 6 reps         7.5kg

Shoulder presses    4 sets of 10 reps       7.5kg

Kickbacks                  4 sets of 10 reps       3kg
(was supposed to be 3 sets but did not quite squeeze on just a few of the reps, so wanted to make sure I got every last bit out of the muscle)

Tricep extension      2 sets of 10 reps       5kg      2 sets of 10 reps       5.5kg
(form was good throughout but felt I had a little more to give so added another set)

Side lateral raises    4 sets of 10 reps       4kg
(again, it was supposed to be 3 sets, but I had more to give, and could not up the weight to get there without losing form)

When I did this workout for the first time last week, I went to failure on every move, but was surprised not to have any DOMS afterwards.  This week I took much longer for each move and made sure to hold it for a little.  I was also able to lift a little more in some moves in this workout too.  I took a long time for the workout – two hours.  Will need to get a balance and shorten things a bit so I can get the time down. 

After winning the Fighter Diet competition for the whole set of eBooks, I can’t wait to read them, write up a schedule and get started.  
My final photos from Asylum

lost 4 lbs
1 inch from my waist
1 inch from my chest
.5 inch from my arms

Asylum Round 2, Day 29 - Andy

Speed & Agility

Had a rough one saturday , planned though, but lots of alcohol and bad food, still felt dodgy all day today.
But the show must go on, today was not only my nemesis workout, it's also the last day of the Asylum program , and the last day of wearing the vest .

So a lot of mixed emotions, i could have quite easily of just gave this a miss, and said that i'd done it.
But that's just not me, if anything i pushed harder than ever, ( punishment for my weekend antics)

Got it done, collapsed in a pool of sweat at the end as per usual.
All i will say is, how anyone can have bad food over the weekend , i don't mean a cheat meal, i mean just a blowout of wrong choices and drink beers , and think they can do a workout program and give it 100% , they are mistaken !

I poisoned my body Saturday, and believe me it let me know !

Anyway it's done now

Doing a weigh in, in the morning and check measurements , i will post results then.

Whats Next ?

For me, i hate to be beaten by something, Speed & agility still as me beat, so i'm going to do it every other day, in between doing Strength , which is my favourite Asylum workout .
For 3 weeks until my summer holiday.
Come back and do P90X2 with the rest of the pack.

Really looking forward to it.

I've also enjoyed doing this blog, so will continue with it when i do X2
Thanks for taking the time to read it !

Cheers Andy

Asylum Round 2, Day 28 - Andy


Man am i happy, that i have this today, went out with the wife for the day yesterday, it was planned that i would have a cheat day and drink beer.
First in a month, suffering a bit now though , so happy just for the stretch.

Tomorrow is my last day, as i didn't do the fit test at the start, so it ends where it began, speed & agility
also my last vest workout, for the rest of the year , so i'm going to nail this , i hope !

Cheers Andy

Nutrition Planning/Logging with My Fitness Pal


To help us reach our goals, it is a good idea to aim for a specific calorie and macronutrient intake. The numbers will be specific to each of us.

Logging your food intake is really useful to help you keep track of these. Many of us use My Fitness Pal to do this. You can register on the website and use it this way, or use the iPhone or android apps. It is really useful to use it to plan your food intake for the day ahead, so you know that your calories and ratios will hit your target, rather than getting to the end of the day, logging everythign and seeing that you are off the mark.

My Fitness Pal also allows you to  link up with friends and see other people's food logs - great for accountability, seeking nutrition advice and getting food ideas. To do this, you need to make sure your account is set as open for friends to see.

If you would like to post your My Fitness Pal username in the comments below, it would help others to find you there:

Mine is: @weepammcblam Pam

Asylum Round 2, Day 27 - Andy

Back To Core

Yet again woke up with the back problem, deep heat and ibuprofen applied, and i'm away.
After this workout, always feel better with the back, something to bear in mind if the problem continues is to take the back exercises from this workout, and do them daily like a stretch .

Cheers Andy

Asylum Round 2, Day 26 - Andy

Vertical Plyo

Today is Friday , feeling on top of the world, so nothing was going to get it my way, only wish i had speed & agility instead of verical plyo because i would have smashed that the way i did with this !

Getting ever close to finishing now, and hanging the vest up, but as i've mentioned one door closes, another opens, can't wait to go on holiday now with my family, then come back and do P90X2 with the pack

Cheers Andy

Asylum Round 2, Day 25 - Andy

Gameday & Overtime

This one reared it's ugly head once again, but for the last time, so it was a kind of relief too.

Now my back as been in absolute bits all day, but ibuprofen and deep heat got me through, that and my passion to succeed , all that said, i'm feeling it again now.

I feel Insanity , is a program that can be used with a weighted vest, Asylum is not.
Or perhaps in because i've gone from the 90 day vest hybrid i did right into this, so getting on for 120 days of vest wearing once i've finished Asylum .

To be honest, we have a love/hate relationship the vest and I , i will be sad to hang it up, but relieved at the same time.

Of course i say this, while i have a thought in my head, about getting a heavier one lol, just hear me out though.

By the end of my hybrid, i could bang out 30 + push ups from P90X all different kinds, and i've done 10/14 pull ups , again various ones .

So i was thinking about getting a 20kg one, and then hopefully that will make me fail on 8/10 push ups, and 4/5 pull ups.

Because i've been thinking of doing another round of P90X, with a heavier vest , but also upping my dumbell weights , failing at 6/8 reps, pausing the workout , take more breaks, not do the cardio days, just rest.
See where that takes me.

Any way that's just a thought for now, got P90X2 to do next, with Pam and Jason, which i'm looking forward too, then hopefully Asylum Vol 2 , no vest !

Cheers Andy

Asylum Round Two, Day 24 - Andy


Back to my favourite one today, although for the last time in this current program.

Another warm day, you would sweat buckets with this one even in the freezing cold,
Its just so well put together to get the muscles on fire, you really are wasted at the end, but feel so much triumph once completed.

For a dumbell/cardio workout, this can't be beat, i wonder what Shaun T as planned for Vol 2 !

Well tomorrow is Gameday with overtime again , oh dear god that's come around quick, oh well another sweat fest it is then, and i'll try not to swear , i promise !

Cheers Andy

Asylum Round Two , Day 23 - Andy

Speed & Agility

Week four now, it has flown by, been great fun, but so demanding.

The good news is the back seems to have eased up a bit, the bad news , it was Speed & Agility .

As i'm doing evening workouts now, i entered my gym space (the lounge) already warm from the humid day, but also from the heat of the oven in the kitchen, man it was like a sauna, add the vest , and the warmup got me sweating buckets, i thought the heating was on !

This workout from start to finish for me is a killer, great workout though, i curse all the way through , i tell myself to "come on " i laugh at myself, is that why it's called Asylum ?

It's the vest it just nails you, i still love it though, my passion for working out and fitness , grows daily, i love the fact that i inspire people, (my family) to workout, it gives me a great sense of accomplishment .

I love the people who i've never met, but made friends with through exercise and Beachbody workouts , we encourage each other, help each other, The Wolf Pack as become my fitness family, and i take care of every one in it, i really want to help everyone in the Pack reach their  goals.

Cheers Andy

Asylum Day 13 - Pam


As usual, on a day I am not working, I procrastinate quite a bit prior to actually pressing play.  Thankfully, I got started about 11am.

I felt great during this workout.  I pushed really hard and saw benefits all the way through.  

During the warm-up, where only one dumbbell is used, I normally use 6.5kg.  ?However, I started with 10kg and immediately upped this to 11kg.  I could definitely feel a difference in the core stability required for halo deadlifts in particular.  Curl squats and side lunges required much more oomph to get back up to starting position, but I coped well with the big weight increase.  I tried this weight for the scull crusher presses but could barely get it back up, so for this I used 6.5kg as I definitely get to failure with that weight on this move.

Next up, the cardio dumbell rotations.  These are tough and challenge your cardio fitness, strength, coordination and balance.  Each round builds on the last, until the third round move, which consists of bicep curl, squat, jump back to plank, push-up, spider left and right, another push-up, plank runs, then jumping back in to rise with the dumbells.  I use 6.5kg on these as I feel my lower back loses a bit of form on the squat when I use more.  I also have to admit to a bit of OCD on this move.  When doing the 8 reps, I finish around 20 seconds after Shaun T.  This annoys me and I spend the entire move trying to keep up.  My solution is to do 2 reps while the DVD is paused, and then press play and continue with good form and stability.  Is this cheating?  I don't care, really.  I get it done with good form and my OCD is satisfied, so all is well.

In the chest/ab section, I lowered my weights from last week's attempt.  I returned to 6.5kg for each dumbbell and felt this much more in my abs, which is what I prefer.  I coped perhaps a little better than I would like for the first two moves.  However, in the third move (legs static at 6 inches with arms doing chest presses), I reached failure after 20 reps, and had to continue with another 2 sets of 10.

I was happy with my performance in this workout.  Every move had either increased weight, greater height or increased reps.  No going back now!

Pam  : )

Asylum Round 2, Day 21 - Andy

Back to Core

Yet again lower back pain this morning , ibuprofen gel applied and away we go.

As mentioned before with this workout, it's the first one i've actually done where it concentrates on the back quite a bit, really gives you a burn on the shoulders too.

The band exchange is just nasty, but does leave you feeling good.

Also my back feels better now too, so good times.

Tomorrow is a rest day, and i'm grateful for it, not even going to do an abs session.

So i won't blog tomorrow .

Cheers Andy

About TWP

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Team Wolf Pack are three friends, brought together through a passion for improving their own health and fitness, and motivating others to do the same. We are knowledgeable in nutrition, working out and in how to motivate. Our aim is to help others to achieve their goals, whether they be to lose weight, gain muscle, improve fitness or simply maintain optimum health. Please feel free to join our Facebook support group: Team Wolf Pack ( Here, we will answer any questions you may have about Beachbody programs, working out, nutrition and the fitness industry in general. You will also find a large group of like-minded people, who support and motivate each other. We achieve greater results as part of a committed team. Team Wolf Pack is made up of real people with real results. We have a great team and have tested all Beachbody programs. We can give a solid review on every product, as well help you to get the best results from them. Team Wolf Pack is led by: Pam McVey, Jason Bennett and Andy Powers


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