My 10kg Vest Hybrid

As some of you may know, I'm currently doing a hybrid of P90X, Insanity and Insanity the Asylum, in a 10kg weight vest.
I got asked the other day on our YouTube channel if i would post it up, so here it is.

                                                                           PHASE 1


                                                                          PHASE 3 

Now this, in my opinion, is a great hybrid regardless of wearing a vest because every phase the cardio gets tougher.  Whereas in a straight round of P90X, the cardio stays the same.  And lets be honest, if you're an Insanity grad, the cardio workouts in X just don't cut it.

So my thinking behind it when I designed thy hybrid was: Tony Horton describes P90X as muscle confusion, which works great, but what about cardio confusion?

As we get fitter, and stronger, we also need to mix up the cardio too, so that's what this hybrid does.

My plan was always to get through the 90 days, then do a straight round of  Asylum in the vest.  Now thats going to be a tough one.

If you are going to wear a vest, just a bit of advice if i may:
I started wearing the vest at the start of the year, and did Insanity phase 1 workouts twice a week, for 8 weeks, before I started the hybrid.  If you're jumping straight into it, just be careful.

I also considered myself to be fairly fit at the start of the hybrid, having trained with Beachbody programs for a whole year.

Now when it comes to choosing a vest, I did a lot of research and came to the conclusion that the ones that only half come over the torso were the best ones for the workouts I would be doing.  The full length ones are aimed more at runners.

The reason for the shorter vest is this: because this vest sits above your abs, with every single move you do you're constantly engaging the core.

Here's the vest.  It is £35 from eBay.

I think I've covered everything.  If you have any questions, please get in touch.



About TWP

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Team Wolf Pack are three friends, brought together through a passion for improving their own health and fitness, and motivating others to do the same. We are knowledgeable in nutrition, working out and in how to motivate. Our aim is to help others to achieve their goals, whether they be to lose weight, gain muscle, improve fitness or simply maintain optimum health. Please feel free to join our Facebook support group: Team Wolf Pack ( Here, we will answer any questions you may have about Beachbody programs, working out, nutrition and the fitness industry in general. You will also find a large group of like-minded people, who support and motivate each other. We achieve greater results as part of a committed team. Team Wolf Pack is made up of real people with real results. We have a great team and have tested all Beachbody programs. We can give a solid review on every product, as well help you to get the best results from them. Team Wolf Pack is led by: Pam McVey, Jason Bennett and Andy Powers


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