Almond Flake Protein Bars


3 tbsp honey
90g oats
145g whey protein powder
75g (1 and a half tbsp) peanut butter
25g flaked almonds
50g mixed, dried fruit

What to do:

  1. Mix whey and oats together in a bowl
  2. Put the peanut butter in a microwavable dish, add 200ml of water, microwave for 1 minute
  3. Add it to the whey and oats, mix all together
  4. Add the dried fruit and honey, mix it all in
  5. Line a baking tray with grease-proof paper
  6. Pour your mix into the tray and level all out
  7. Add flaked almonds to the top
  8. Put into a pre-heated oven at 150 degrees and leave for 15 minutes
  9. Take out of oven, and leave to cool down
  10. Once cool, score into how many bars you like, place in fridge
  11. Leave for 20 minutes
  12. Once cooled, place into a sealed container to keep in the fridge, and keep them fresh.

These are my ratios:
  • Bars cut into 12 = 210 calories
  • 14 g protein
  • 12.5 g carbs
  • 10.8 g fat

P90X2 results

I thought Id post the results I got using the Beachbody P90X2 programme, I found that sticking to my usual plan of using the heaviest weight I could while maintaining good form for 6-8 reps gave me the best results while sticking to the nutrition guide and making sure I "Brought It" at every workout. I had 2 weeks in the initial foundation phase, 8 weeks in the strength phase and 2 weeks in the performance phase.

these are my 90 days pics



Hi everyone

Hi everyone, let me start by saying thanks for taking the time to read the blogs that we post, it means a lot.
My name is Andy,  33 years old and i love working out, along the way i've made some great friends, and thats really how TWP was born.

If your new to working out, or just still thinking about it, then let me tell you something, your already taking small steps, by reading a fitness blog.
I wasn't always in shape, in fact, the heaviest i have been is 275 lbs, when i decided enough was enough i was tipping the scales at around 260 lbs. 40% body fat

This is day 1, just about to start P90X, since then , i've never looked back, completed program after program from beachbody.
I'm now about to enter Phase 3, of my latest program P90X/Insanity/Asylum 10kg Vest Hybrid

This is me today 175 lbs 8% body fat , 14 months so far, of hard work and dedication , and still bringing it ! digging deeper ! and enjoying every minute .


Insanity Asylum Day 22: Speed and Agility

BCAA's and protein drink are down the hatch.

Now it's time to press play on Speed and Agility. I have seen real progress in both my speed and agility, through this workout. It works! Who knew?! It is a fantastic workout that brings on a real sweat, plus works you all over. Bear crawls continue to be my nemesis but it's getting better.

See you on the other side! : )


Come to our Facebook group: The Wolf Pack, for support and advice for all your workouts and nutrtition

Team Wolf Pack Growing

There is a lot of activity on the TWP facebook group, we've seen an influx of new members over the last few days which has really added to the diverse information everyone is willing to share with each other to help reach their fitness goals. We are always happy to have new people along who are either just starting their fitness journey or have accomplished their goals and want to share their knowledge and help support others, you can find us on FB or use this link



About TWP

My photo
Team Wolf Pack are three friends, brought together through a passion for improving their own health and fitness, and motivating others to do the same. We are knowledgeable in nutrition, working out and in how to motivate. Our aim is to help others to achieve their goals, whether they be to lose weight, gain muscle, improve fitness or simply maintain optimum health. Please feel free to join our Facebook support group: Team Wolf Pack ( Here, we will answer any questions you may have about Beachbody programs, working out, nutrition and the fitness industry in general. You will also find a large group of like-minded people, who support and motivate each other. We achieve greater results as part of a committed team. Team Wolf Pack is made up of real people with real results. We have a great team and have tested all Beachbody programs. We can give a solid review on every product, as well help you to get the best results from them. Team Wolf Pack is led by: Pam McVey, Jason Bennett and Andy Powers


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